Gaming has become an integral part of daily life for many Indonesians, spanning various age groups and demographics. According to Newzoo, Indonesia’s gaming market reached USD 1.79 billion in 2023 and is experiencing rapid growth [1]. And in sync with the data from Newzoo, Jawa Pos also reported that the number of gamers in this country continues to increase, and it is estimated to reach 192.1 million people this year [2].
Thus, in order to discover more about Indonesians’ gaming behaviors, favorite genres, and platform preferences, we conducted a survey with 1.500 sample of respondents, and here is what we found:

Gaming is a popular activity in Indonesia, with 27% of people playing every day. The majority (34%) engage in gaming 1-2 times a week, while 18% never play games. Notably, more males (33%) play daily compared to females (25%).
Liza Amelia, Sales Executive of Snapcart in Jakarta (17/2) said, “The primary motivation for Indonesians to play games is entertainment. And additionally, they play to reduce stress, while smaller percentages play to interact with friends, experience gameplay, or join competitions.”
Our data discovered that:
- 65% of respondents cited entertainment as their primary reason for gaming. This shows that most players see gaming as a leisure activity rather than a competitive pursuit.
- 27% play to reduce stress, highlighting the therapeutic and relaxing aspects of gaming.
- 3% play to interact with friends, showing that while social gaming is present, it is not the main reason for most players.
- 3% enjoy gaming to experience gameplay mechanics, suggesting that some players appreciate game design and innovative features.
- 2% play to join competitions, indicating a small but dedicated group of competitive gamers who engage in eSports or other gaming tournaments.
Furthermore, Indonesians’ gaming habits also vary in terms of time commitment. The majority (43%) spend less than an hour playing daily, while 36% dedicate 1-2 hours. Only 8% spend more than four hours gaming per day. And match the social stereotype, our data shows that younger players (15-25 years old) tend to play longer, while older demographics are more likely to play for shorter durations.
Indonesians’ Favourite Game Genres and Gaming Devices
This survey highlights a distinct preference for casual and puzzle games, with 49% of respondents favoring them. This genre is significantly more popular among females (57%) than males (14%). Action/adventure games follow at 22%, while MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) and RPG (Role-Playing Games) each hold 17% and 9%, respectively. Meanwhile, FPS (First-Person Shooter) games are the least favored at just 3% overall.
In addition, this study also found out that in Indonesia, mobile gaming leads the way, with 90% of Indonesians playing on smartphones. Meanwhile, PC/laptops account for only 3%, while consoles (PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo) and tablets each hold 2%. These findings indicate a strong preference for mobile gaming, making Indonesia a key market for mobile game developers.
Paid vs Free Games: What Do Indonesians Prefer?
This research discovered that free games dominate the Indonesian market, with 51% of gamers exclusively playing free-to-play titles. 30% prefer free games but occasionally opt for paid games, while only 3% always prefer paid games. Younger players (<19 years old) are the most inclined to play free games (71%), while older players (47+ years) show a higher tendency (74%) to avoid paid games altogether.
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