
What’s On TV Today

Many news reports said that TV viewership continues to decrease annually across Indonesia. 

This phenomenon might reflect the broader global trends as the rise of gadgets, social media, and video streaming services have transformed how people consume entertainment. Hence, Snapcart conducted a study to dive deeper into this trend, and to understand the reasons behind this issue. 

Our study figured out that despite the decline, a large portion of Indonesians still watches TV daily. But the viewership is now largely dominated by the older generation;

  • 33% of respondents, in total, watch TV daily, but this figure jumps to 41% among Boomers.
  • Gen Z and Millennials show significantly lower daily TV consumption, at 28% and 39% respectively.
  • About 11% of respondents indicated they no longer watch TV at all.


Why Are People Watching Less TV?

Our research identified several key reasons for the declining interest in local TV programs:

  1. Gadgets and the Digital World are More Engaging (32%) – Many respondents stated that the internet and digital devices offer more entertainment options rather than the local TV shows.
  2. Programs Aren’t Interesting (19%) – Local TV shows are losing their appeal; with many viewers indicating they no longer find them entertaining.
  3. Busy Lifestyles (15%) – A significant number of people don’t have the time to sit down and watch TV regularly.
  4. Long Commercial Breaks (12%) – The lengthy duration of advertisements has also driven viewers away from TV.
  5. Other Factors – 11% of respondents don’t own a television, and 8% prefer to watch content on streaming platforms instead.

However, we discovered if there are certain types of TV shows that remain beloved by Indonesians. The top 4 genres that Indonesian TV audiences still enjoy are:

  1. Movies (40%)
  2. Soap Operas/Local TV Series (Sinetron) (36%)
  3. Culinary Shows (31%)
  4. News (31%)

Meanwhile on the other side, with fewer people watching TV, our survey revealed what Indonesians do for entertainment in their free time. The majority of them prefer accessing social media instead of watching TV. We can see more about their free time activities, aside from scrolling social media on the infographic above.

The Rise of Streaming Platforms

The dominance of streaming platforms is reshaping Indonesia’s entertainment landscape. According to the survey, the top four most popular video streaming services among Indonesians are:

  1. Netflix (35%)
  2. WeTV (18%)
  3. Viu (16%)
  4. Vidio (15%)


TV Viewership: A Thing of the Past for Many

Interestingly, when asked when they last watched a local TV show, many respondents indicated that it had been a while:

  • 57% of respondents said they last watched local TV just a few months ago.
  • 23% mentioned it had been 1-3 years since they last tuned in.
  • 11% had not watched local TV in 5-7 years.
  • A small percentage (4%) claimed they had never watched local TV at all.

As the digital era progresses, local TV stations in Indonesia face increasing competition from gadgets, social media, and streaming services.

While older generations still hold onto TV as a primary source of entertainment, younger generations are leading the shift towards more flexible and engaging digital platforms. The future of TV in Indonesia will likely depend on how broadcasters adapt to this changing landscape and whether they can offer content that rivals the appeal of online entertainment.

For more info, contact us at partners@snapcart.global .

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