
The Beauty of Indonesian Women

Indonesia is a tropical country known for its diverse cultures and natural beauty, but there’s more to its charm than just breathtaking landscapes.

In September 2024, Snapcart conducted a study about the beauty routines and skin care practices of Indonesian women which might reveal a deep understanding of self-care, with unique habits shaped by the country’s climate and lifestyle.

Skin Types Among Indonesian Women

Contrary to common belief, not all women living in tropical regions have oily skin. According to this research, the majority of Indonesian women report having normal skin, with notable variations across age groups:

  • Normal Skin:
    • Ages 19-25: 30%
    • Ages 26-35: 32%
    • Ages 37+: 36%
  • Oily Skin:
    • Ages 19-25: 27%
    • Ages 26-35: 33%
    • Ages 37+: 28%
  • Combination Skin (Oily and Dry):
    • Ages 19-25: 34%
    • Ages 26-35: 25%
    • Ages 37+: 24%
  • Dry Skin:
    • Ages 19-25: 8%
    • Ages 26-35: 10%
    • Ages 37+: 11%

This diversity in skin types shows that Indonesian women experience a wide range of skin conditions, even in a tropical environment.

Sun Protection Habits

Living near the equator means that Indonesia experiences intense sunlight throughout the year, making sun protection essential. Despite this, sunscreen usage varies significantly. Our survey found that 35% of Indonesian women apply sunscreen daily, even when they are indoors. This suggests a strong awareness of the harmful effects of UV rays, even through windows.

However, only 15% of sunscreen users apply and reapply it more than twice a day. This may point to a potential area for increased awareness of the importance of frequent sunscreen reapplication.

Self-Love and Confidence

Indonesian women don’t just focus on external beauty; self-love and self-care are essential to their routines.

A significant portion of the population values their worth beyond appearance. This growing trend of self-love reflects a positive shift towards embracing natural beauty and appreciating personal well-being. We can see it from the data on the infographic that shows 39% of Indonesian women wear makeup whenever they go out, showing that beauty routines are an integral part of their daily lives. And interestingly, this survey also found out that most Indonesian women wear makeup for their personal appearance, not for the sake of certain people.

On the other hand, even though many Indonesian women enjoy wearing makeup, it comes with its own set of challenges. The top three issues they face are:

  • Acne or Pimples: 38%
  • Makeup Fades Quickly: 36%
  • Oily Skin: 25%


These concerns highlight the need for skincare products that address specific skin conditions and makeup that is long-lasting and suitable for Indonesia’s humid climate.

Embracing Natural Beauty and Healthy Habits

Indonesian women take a balanced approach to beauty, focusing not just on their appearance but also on self-care and confidence. The diversity in skin types and the conscious efforts to protect their skin from the harsh tropical sun reflect their understanding of skincare’s importance. Additionally, the growing trend of self-love is empowering women to appreciate their worth beyond external beauty, which is an inspiring message for all.

By understanding the unique beauty routines of Indonesian women, beauty and skincare brands have an opportunity to cater to their specific needs, providing products that not only enhance their natural beauty but also boost their confidence and well-being.


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