
New Normal, At Last?

Little by little, restrictions in Indonesia regarding the pandemic are lifted. Even plans to increase restrictions during the year’s end are cancelled[1], which means that the steady shift towards “normal” life is likely to continue. With some people starting to feel safer due to the lifted restrictions and started going out again[2], we ask Indonesians further about how their current daily lives, with the pandemic still around but restrictions loosening up.

First, a check on daily arrangements: during the pandemic, only 11% did not switch to doing their daily activities from home. Whether it’s school, household chores, or perhaps occupations, there are many reasons for one to keep doing their activities out of home during the pandemic, the most common one being a part of essential workers. Looking at those who did switch to working from home, at least 78% have now gone back to working from the office, whether it’s partially or fully. 68% also claimed that they’ve gone back to shopping offline more often now that restrictions are loosening up.

From all that, it’s interesting to see that at least for 89% of those who changed how they do their daily routines during the pandemic, they think that life is, more or less, back to normal. Perhaps this is as close as we can get to the often mentioned “new normal”?

What do you think? How much does the pandemic still affects your daily activities?

[1] PPKM Level 3 Dibatalkan selama Nataru, Ini Alasan Pemerintah

[2] Out And About, Or Not?

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