
Are Big Brands Affecting Correct Brand Ad Recall? A Look into Three Online Christmas Ads in The Philippines

Christmas season is competitive. Multiple brands from different categories are all banking on the same sentiment of giving, sharing, and togetherness. In this regard, Snapcart ran a survey on the latest online Christmas ads from different categories to know which brands stood-out the most. The survey was answered by about 1,500 respondents on January 2019.

Lady’s Choice Mayonnaise “Start a New Christmas Tradition”

This ad is about a family starting a new Christmas tradition by preparing macaroni salad. The ad shows multiple frames of the family preparing the salad and its ingredients, and ends with the whole family having a Christmas feast.  Most respondents (77%) were familiar with the ad and among those who were familiar with it, 64% were able to correctly identify the brand being advertised. Among those who did not identify it correctly, most misattributed it to Nestle Cream and Jollibee. The misattribution to Nestle and parallel categories (Eden Cheese, Royal Pasta, Kraft) could be caused by the images, which focused on the salad and its ingredients.

Puregold “Panalong Sorpresa Ngayong Pasako”

This Christmas ad is the second installment in the survey, featuring a mother and her son Vilma Santos and Luis Manzano. It opens with the parents including Vilma receiving messages from their children that they will not be joining them for grocery shopping. Vilma then hears “Christmas Bonus” everywhere and is surprised by Luis singing the song live with the band Aegis. Other parents are also surprised by their children show up at Puregold.

Among those who were familiar with it, 51% were able to correctly identify the brand being advertised. Among those who did not identify it correctly, most misattributed it to Bear Brand – a brand which was also endorsed by both Vilma Santos and Luis Manzano. There were also a few respondents who misattributed the ad to telco companies such as Smart, Globe, and Sun.  This was probably caused by the images, which showed text messages. A possible reason why some respondents misattributed the ad to Smart is because it shares the same brand color with Puregold.

McDonald’s “Bros”

Two brothers pick-up their parents from the airport after not seeing them for a long time. The younger brother has reservations but the older one assures him that their parents are always thinking about them. The ad then shows a montage of family pictures of them when they were younger and were a complete family. The younger brother’s graduation however, was only attended by his older brother. The ad ends with the younger brother smiling while ordering food for four at McDonald’s.

Most Respondents (68%) were familiar with the ad. Among those who were familiar with it (92%), were able to correctly identify the brand being advertised. Among those who did not correctly identify the brand, mostly misattributed it to its direct competitor Jollibee.

Aside from “Bros”, some respondents also misattributed Lady’s Choice and Puregold ads to Jollibee. This could be because Jollibee is a big brand already and has been running viral online ads for multiple years and occasions.

The survey also covers Overall Liking of Ads, Brand Trust, Product Superiority, Purchase Consideration, and Willingness to Recommend. Snapcart regularly evaluates online ads covering a wide variety of industries, including FMCG, Banking, Apparel, etc. Full report for this wave and other waves is available upon request.

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