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Memahami Iklan Pada Era Consumer Journey 5A

Iklan adalah bentuk komunikasi yang kompleks dan memiliki banyak fungsi, di antaranya meningkatkan kesadaran, memberikan pengaruh, menampilkan suatu citra, dan menciptakan permintaan. Dengan pola belanja


Advertisement during Customer Journey

Advertisement is a complex form of communication and serves many functions – increasing awareness, influencing the audience, public imaging, and

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Let’s Play!

Gaming has become an integral part of daily life for many Indonesians, spanning various age groups and demographics. According to Newzoo, Indonesia’s gaming market reached USD

Tea or Coffee? Part 2

In the first part of our article, we discovered that the number of people who love coffee and tea is almost balanced; 45% of Indonesians

Tea or Coffee? Part 1

Coffee and tea are among the most popular beverages in Indonesia. The Indonesia coffee market generated a revenue of USD 16,839.4 million in 2023 and