
Ramadan After The End of Covid-19 Restrictions Is Here

According to some studies, Covid-19 pandemic has changed Indonesian consumers’ behavior in Ramadan for the past few years. For example, during Ramadan before pandemic, 69% consumers confessed that their spending was increased, meanwhile during pandemic, only 33% consumers who claimed that their expenses was rising during this holy month [1] .

However, how about this upcoming Ramadan in 2023, after the end of Covid-19 pandemic is in sight [2] and the Imposing Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) has officialy ended [3] ? Will Indonesian consumers’ behavior back to the times before pandemic, or is there any behaviors during pandemic that they are still going to do during this Ramadan?

To answer these, in February 2023 Snapcart conducted a study with 5.000 samples, and here are the results.

From this research, we figured out that among 84% Indonesians who celebrate Ramadan this year, most of them (84%) confessed that their expenses are higher than in regular months.

Moreover, 60% people think that their expenses during Ramadan in this year would increase higher than in Ramadan 2020-2022, with majority (51%) has predicted that they will spend around IDR 1.000.000 – IDR 3.000.000 as you can see on the infographic above.

infographic, graphic, and reels video for Ramadan article-PTP-409-02

On the other side, we also tried to compare Indonesian consumers’ interests in spending money for Ramadan 2023 with Ramadan in the past few years.

Different from regular months where fashion products become the most popular items among Indonesians [4] [5] [6], from our data we found out that most Indonesians (71%) were more likely spend their money on food & beverages products in Ramadan before and during pandemic [7]. However interestingly, majority of our respondents (47%) said that in Ramadan 2023 they want to spend their money more on charity rather than to buy other products like food & beverages (31%) and fashion (12%), as represented by the infographic above.

Furthermore, our study also figured out a quite siginificant change in Indonesian consumers’ behavior. While lots of people in Indonesia prefered to do their activities online during the pandemic in 2020 [8] , now 48% of Indonesians are planning to spend their money offline, and only 17% who want to do it online.

In sync with the way how they plan to spend money, during Ramadan 2023, majority of Indonesians are planning to do outdoor activities too like doing religious activities at mosque, iftar together with friends & family (buka puasa bersama), and more, as you can see on these graphics below.

infographic, graphic, and reels video for Ramadan article-PTP-409-29

Indonesian Consumers’ Online Habit During Ramadan

Despite the fact that most people are no longer afraid to go outside after the case of Covid-19 has significantly decreased [9], in the past few months our studies found out that shopping online on social media and e-commerce are still become Indonesians’ favorite thing [10] [11].

Our previous study found out that during regular months, majority of Indonesian consumers (48%) usually access their phone to see social media and/or e-commerce in the evening (7 pm-11 pm), while only 24% who online during midday and 19% online in the afternoon [12]. However in this research we figured out that Indonesians’ habit would significantly change in Ramadan. For example, most Indonesians said that during Ramadan, most of them usually online during daytime (20%) and afternoon while waiting for the Iftar (ngabuburit) (23%), as shown on the infographic above.


Interested to know more about consumers’ habit and behavioral change or market trends? Contact us at partners@snapcart.global .




[1] & [7] https://snapcart.global/article-ramadan-spends/

[2] https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2023/01/30/who-says-covid-remains-a-global-emergency-but-pandemic-could-near-its-end-in-2023.html

[3] https://www.detik.com/bali/berita/d-6584470/ppkm-dicabut-jokowi-tegaskan-tak-wajib-masker

[4] & [10] https://snapcart.global/its-holiday-time/

[5], [11], [12] https://snapcart.global/i-watch-it-i-buy-it/

[6] https://snapcart.global/berlomba-lomba-perkuat-daya-saing-lewat-fitur-inovasi-siapa-e-commerce-yang-paling-unggul/

[8] https://snapcart.global/article-ramadan-activities-during-the-pandemic/

[9] https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/news/20221202174241-4-393363/kabar-baik-gaes-kasus-harian-covid-19-di-ri-terus-menurun

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