
Where To Get Groceries?

The pandemic brings a lot of change into our lives and one of them being how we shop for groceries. With the increase of online shopping penetration, how exactly does it affect where our respondents get their groceries?

Split on the switch

Respondents are almost split 50:50 between those who changed where they get groceries during the pandemic and those who don’t. Later we’ll look into the considerations of each group, but let’s see the general frequency of people shopping for groceries during the pandemic.

During the pandemic, more than 50% of respondents shop for groceries at least once a week. This can mean that people are still likely to buy in smaller quantities instead of buying in bulk.

Why choose what you choose

For those who said that they did not change where they get groceries during the pandemic, price is the main reason followed by practicality. Interesting to note that product quality is relatively low, with only 10% of respondents saying that it’s their main reason sticking to their old grocery shopping place.

Even for those who changed how they get their groceries during the pandemic, price sensitivity is still the number one reason. Comfort came in second most likely due to lock downs imposed in Jakarta as well as the need for social distancing practice. 

So, where exactly?

For those who shop at the same place during the pandemic, most chose traditional markets, followed by minimarkets and convenience stores. This is in line with the top two main reasons for choosing where they shop for groceries, which are price and practicality. Convenience stores are relatively available almost everywhere and traditional markets usually sell fresh produce at lower prices than modern trade.

For those who changed where they shop for groceries during the pandemic, traditional market is still the top choice followed by online, showing that it is likely that a significant part of the shift during pandemic is towards online grocery shopping.

Want to know more about your customers and their behaviours during the pandemic? Try asking them with Snapcart’s TASC! There’s a free trial available, and you can get your first 100 respondents for free. Click here to try it out.

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