Insight Hub

Applying For A New Job?

Job application. A process that every employee will have to do at least once, or more often, multiple times across their lifetime. Previously, we looked


On The Lookout For New Jobs?

With 2021 coming to a close and locals streaming back from their holiday vacation, the hiring season begins again. [1] However, will the methods of


New Normal, At Last?

Little by little, restrictions in Indonesia regarding the pandemic are lifted. Even plans to increase restrictions during the year’s end are cancelled[1], which means that


We’re Going For A Drive

Plans of going back to working from the office are coming soon — or is already beginning for some of us. However, the pandemic is


Out And About, Or Not?

Since the end of August 2021, PPKM/social and mobility restriction levels in Indonesia are starting to be lowered[1]. Albeit being done initially on certain regions

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New In Perspective

Eat Anytime, Anywhere: Part 2

The popularity of food delivery services in Indonesia continues to grow, fuelled by consumer preferences and purchasing habits. According to our study, 73% of Indonesians

Eat Anytime, Anywhere: Part 1

In early 2025, food delivery services have become an integral part of daily life for many Indonesians. Hence, with 4.857 respondents, in January 2025 Snapcart

The Role of Banks in Achieving Net Zero Emissions

In recent years, sustainability has become a critical global priority, with climate change posing significant risks to economies, businesses, and societies. The financial sector, particularly