Insight Hub

Where To Get Groceries?

The pandemic brings a lot of change into our lives and one of them being how we shop for groceries. With the increase of online


Switching Brands: What Does It Take?

In our previous article, we’ve mentioned that from our August survey, 66% of consumers have stated that they have tried new brands and/or switched brands.


A PSBB Post Mortem & Shifts In Consumer Trends

Lockdowns, social distancing and work-from-home arrangements have greatly disrupted the status-quo of essentially everything. Indonesia’s own form of strict social distancing (PSBB) was implemented earlier

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New In Perspective

Take Your Breath Away

Air pollution has become one of the most critical issues in this modern era since it is responsible for millions of deaths globally each year

Always On Your Gadget

Gadgets are used to being in a group of luxurious products. But as time goes by, many types of gadgets like smartphones for example, are